Checker Client Linux CLI Guide

Quick Start

The min version required is:

>= Centos 7, >= Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Download and install the Checker Client Linux CLI from

  2. Create wallet

aethir wallet create
  1. Give the public key to the License Owner

  2. Once Owner initiated the delegation process, check the list of pending licenses

aethir license list --pending
  1. Get the license IDs, and approve:

aethir license approve [License ID]
  1. If you’d like to approve all pending licenses, use:

aethir license approve --all
  1. Checker nodes are running automatically. You can verify by using:

aethir license list --working


aethir license summary
  1. Quit application - the owner will stop earning rewards


1. Wallet

Create Wallet

aethir wallet create

Create the wallet and display the public/private key on the screen

The developer decides whether to regenerate or use the already generated public and private keys to connect to the server

Import Wallet

aethir wallet import [License ID]

Please note, you can only import private/public key pair that was generated by the Aethir Client or CLI.

If you have already used the create command, you will be prompted: You cannot import a wallet after having created one. You can get more information from wallet export

Export Wallet

aethir wallet export

List public/private keys

2. License

List License

aethir license list

Each of the following display lists in the form of: License IDOwner AddressStatus

  1. --working

  2. --offline

  3. --banned

  4. --pending

    Corresponds to pending delegations

    See Approve License for more details on how to approve pending delegations

  5. --all

If the user does not add parameters, all available parameters will be prompted

Approve License

aethir license approve [License ID]
  1. If the user does not add parameters, it will prompt: To approve, use aethir license approve [License ID]

    To approve all, use aethir license approve --all

  2. If license ID does not correspond to one in the pending list, an error will be reported:

    Invalid license ID

  3. If license ID is approved successfully, it will display:

    [License ID] approved. You have xxx delegated licenses, xxx pending

Deny License

aethir license deny [License ID]
  1. If the user does not add parameters, it will prompt:

    To deny, use aethir license deny [License ID]

  2. If license ID does not correspond to one in the pending list, an error will be reported:

    Invalid license ID

  3. “Are you sure you want to deny delegation for [License ID]?” is displayed to user

    Upon successful second confirmation by user, it will display:

    [License ID] denied. You have xxx delegated licenses, xxx pending

Note that, unlike approve, there is no multiple selection here

This is used to deny pending delegations, rather than undelegate existing delegations

For more information, check out Undelegate License to undelegate license

Undelegate License

aethir license undelegate [License ID]
  1. If the user does not add parameters, it will prompt:

    To undelegate, use aethir license undelegate [License ID]

  2. If license ID does not correspond to one in the pending list, an error will be reported:

    Invalid license ID

  3. “Are you sure you want to deny delegation for [License ID]?” is displayed to user

    Upon successful second confirmation by user, it will display:

    [License ID] undelegated. You have xxx delegated licenses

Show Summary Table

aethir license summary

This is a sample for what the summary table looks like:

Last updated